General information

Software Introduction







Features and Capabilities

PortfolioXpert empowers investors and advisors to navigate the increasingly complex world of investment management. No matter your financial profile or specific investment needs, PortfolioXpert can automate your investment process and scale your business.

The PortfolioXpert gives you a competitive advantage by eliminating the manual burden of managing your assets by structuring and automating the entire process.

PortfolioXpert provides a holistic view as it allows you to create custom portfolios with any investment style that you desire. Including allocation, tactical and dynamic indexes to empower your practice.

Delivers a complete backtested performance record as well as walk forward capabilities.

Through its Artificial Intelligence, It allows you to be more responsive and insightful than ever. The ability to adapt to dynamic market environments empowers you to offer true risk-adjusted returns.

The automation of strategies and reporting makes it easy for you to track and present to clients never missing a step in your process.

The vast database is capable of delivering a quantitative process on over 17,500 financial instruments including equities, ETF’s and mutual funds from all major US markets and exchanges.

A sophisticated query tool allows you to sift through the entire database finding characteristics that will fit your strategies best

The research module gives you a top-down view of all 11 S&P 500 sectors, industry groups, and other classifications.

The PortfolioXpert platform centralizes your management strategies streamlining and optimizing your operations across all classes of your clients.

The platform allows for better investment insights and being a more effective asset manager giving you unparalleled capabilities.