General information

Software Introduction







Current / Projected Positions

The Current / Projected Positions view displays the portfolio’s current statistics and projected statistics from pending orders.

View Tab

Px current projected positions 0.png
  • Double click the view tab to maximize the view full screen. Double click it again to restore.
  • Right mouse click on the view tab to open the view popup menu.
  • Click
Px active symbols 0000.png
  • in the view tab to close the Current / Projected Positions view.
  • Left mouse click the view tab and hold down the mouse button to move the Current / Projected Positions view. Release the mouse button to place it.

View Toolbar

The View Toolbar contains controls and settings specific to the Current / Projected Positions view. Mouse hover over a button to see its tooltip.

Table to Spreadsheet button

  • Click
Px active symbols 00.png
  • to export the Current / Projected Positions table to a spreadsheet (sorting applied prior to exporting will be preserved in the spreadsheet).

Information Displayed

  1. # Active – number of securities in the portfolio that are being actively monitored
  2. # Long – number of actively monitored securities in the portfolio that are owned
  3. % Invested – percentage of the total portfolio equity invested (calculated by dividing $ Invested by $ Equity)
  4. $ Invested – dollar value of the total portfolio equity invested
  5. % Cash – percentage of the total portfolio equity in cash (calculated by dividing $ Cash by $ Equity)
  6. $ Cash – dollar value of the total portfolio equity in cash
  7. $ Equity – dollar value of the total portfolio equity (calculated by adding $ Invested and $ Cash together)